Dear Diary

Supporting Local is More Important Now Than Ever Before

The world has been through some SHIT in the last 2 years. We all know it. We all lived through it. There are a million different opinions on how it was handled, and HoW iT cOulD hAve beEN haNdlEd diFfeRentLy. But one thing we can all (hopefully) agree on, is that most small business took a major kick, square in the ol’ pantaloons. And now, MORE THAN EVER BEFORE, it’s super important to support small business like their lives depend on it. Because spoiler alert (number 1): their lives really do depend on it.

Granville Street was the hardest hit street in Vancouver during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by user Wickedgood on

In the first two months of COVID over 13,000 (1-3-0-0-0) businesses were forced to close down. IN THE FIRST 2 MONTHS. This is not a news site (sorry, not sorry), so I’m not going to go track down the exact amount of businesses that have closed since then. BUT if 13,000 closed in the first 2 months – just imagine what it’s at now. Spoiler Alert (number 2 – last one, I swear): that’s not good.

The beauty about helping small business is that not only are you helping your neighbor/sister/uncle/cousin/friend/fellow human but more often than not, you’re getting better service from a passionate person, that has put their hard work, sweat, and very likely, tears into their goods.

So where do I start?? Start EVERYWHERE.

Going for groceries? Skip the California produce, and buy BC!

Want a coffee? Fuck the “bucks” and go support your local coffee shop!

At the liquor store? You know how many INCREDIBLE beers, wines, and ciders are produced in BC??

Going for a bite? Choose Mom and Pops restaurants over chain restaurants

Ordering in? Call them directly and see if they have a pick up option – you’ve been locked in for like 50 years!!

Thinking about going to the movies? Catch a local play instead!

Need new threads because you gained 30 lbs being a lazy piece of shit over the last 18 months (*coughs* me *coughs*)? Check out the vintage shops Vancouver has to offer!

Having friends over? Buy a piece of art from a local artist or gallery to show off to your friends.

Follow a small business on social media? For goodness sake, like and engage with their content!

And I get it. This city is freakin’ expensive as is. The pandemic has been tough on a lot of people. Tons of people have been struggling just as much, if not more, than small businesses. A lot of people have lost their jobs, and that super sucks too. Sometimes supporting local is easy (see social media engagement above) but sometimes it can be a bit more expensive. It doesn’t mean ONLY buy local. It doesn’t mean boycott anything not-local. It’s not like if you don’t support local you’re a bad person, it just means if you have the choice, and the means to make it happen, supporting local or small business can really help people who have arguably been through an extra tough 2 years.

Thanks for reading and stay safe out there.

Love you,
